Saturday, January 26, 2008

Where does the time go?

Wait, I know the answer to that! It goes into working!

Here's my day from yesterday:

5:45 wake up, shower dress, make breakfast for all, eat go to school
7:00 get to school. Finish putting data into the computer, run copies, meet with team mates, discuss kids with problems, call parent to discuss behavior contract
8:10 kids arrive, start teaching
9:50 take kids to PE, come back, prepare papers for copy center, prep lessons to come, find the tap to the water bubbler is broken, make copies, send forms out, check in with principal bout student on contract having good day, pick kids up from PE
10:50 teach math
11:55 take kids to recess, talk with a parent, bench a kid who has been picking on others, investigate an alleged injury, line kids up, go in to lunch
12:25 Meet with GT person to plan lessons for the next week. Eat a lean pocket while we talk.
12:45 Pick up kids from lunch, take to classroom, teach
3:00 send kids home, pee (finally!), find I've lost bubble sheets, put all answers into computer by hand
4:00 group students for decimals unit based on pretest data, plan out Monday's decimals work, find the copies for it, email team mates info
5:00, clean room, recycle paper, pick up pencils, put large plastic jug on to soak for use in soil (yes, soil) unit.
5:30 speak to husband arrange for him to get kid, meet at restaurant
5:40 call parent to discuss student, finish cleaning room and packing things for weekend
6:15 get to dinner, eat with family
6:40 get home, go through mail, unpack school bag, set up materials for planning, get child into shower
7:00 doctor child's foot from freak Tae Kwon Do accident, talk with husband, check email
7:15 see boys off to Spanish play sit down to work, plan all READ classes for the next week, plan out social studies classes, look over groupings again, find graphics for quiz, write various lessons' exercises, check email
10:00 finish work for the day
10:38 boys return home, get child to bed, wash face, watch Angel
11:45 go to sleep.

But clearly, I should still be devoting my time to the PTO, after all, *everyone* works long hours, don't they? And all this and I have done *no* grading yet, no copying for next week, and I have not sorted the base 10 blocks into bags yet for Monday. Oh and one kid is going out of town for 2 weeks, so I had to get materials together for that as well. I know where the time goes!

1 comment:

Elena said...

WOW!!! The day has only 24 hours, it seems you are running on a 48 hour a day!!!