Thursday, January 10, 2008

Ricardo is out of town and yet

He still manages to bedevil me.  

First the issue of the Saab key of days past: 
My son continues to feel that I am not responsible with this key and asks to see it every time we leave the house or school.  He also likes to monitor where I put the key, just in case.  He is fond of reminding me that I am not consistent with my key storage habits.  As if the missing key were still my fault because I like to put the key on the table instead of in the drawer.  As if it were not the Da who put it in his pocket and accused me of negligence, thievery, and disorganization.

Then the license:
Now that Ricardo has found his license (in his backpack which he had the whole time with him and which was searched so cavalierly by TSA) my son continues to want to discuss what could have happened had the Da not found his license.  Essentially he is of the opinion that it would have been one big assed Charlie on the MTA experience and we'd be mailing him food.  As if. Please.  It's all I can do to make Pillsbury pizza tonight for dinner.  First of all, there is much better pizza in Chicago than that.  Secondly, I am not cooking for any more people than I have to.

And now the latest diabolical infringement on my time and/or life:
We have a laptop in the kitchen that is the family computer (I am writing on it even as we read/speak).  He recently wiped this computer out and rebuilt it so we can use it as a family computer.  He set up multiple accounts on this computer.  Did he give me *any* of the passwords for the accounts?  Any one of them?  Noooooooo that would be too easy!  So here I am this evening on my way to pay the extortionist prices for my distilled water and I have no computer to do this on.  I left mine recharging at school and have no access to the family one.  I had to call him in the library and get the password from him.  Only to log in to the kid's account which is limited six ways to Sunday.  Finally he got me set up on the grownup part of the computer.  But jeesh!!  He's what, 1200 miles away and still manages to present a certain hazard to living!

I do love you dear.  Come home soon. 

1 comment:

Elena said...

Zoe, reading all these "adventures" brought me many chilhood memories from Ricardo.