Friday, January 4, 2008

My plants are all dying

Is it because my house is dark and I always forget to water them? Or is it a metaphor for my ability to help things thrive? I wonder.

I've been back at work for two days. And it felt like a freaking week. WTF is with that? Kassia? Help me out with that one.

The boys are going away this weekend. Actually Ricardo will be gone for 10 days. So that should be fun. How will I survive with no Buffy the Vampire Slayer and worse yet, no Angel for nigh unto 2 weeks? I think it's unfair. I may make him buy the episodes on iTunes and watch them while I watch the disks at home. I can't have Netflix taunting me like that.

Also, it's dark all the time here it seems. It's dark when I get up, dark when I get home. I think my current mood could be described as disgruntled.

And that's another thing. What does it mean to be gruntled anyway?

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