Monday, November 12, 2007

Wow am I tired. Like I haven't said that before.

Friday was the Sock Hop. I'm not entirely sure I get what a Sock Hop is. I think it's supposed to be done in socks, but it seems to me that in the days of MRSA that's less than hygienic. So we all wore shoes. I was at school from 7:30 in the morning until 9:15 at night. With the exception of the 45 minutes I went home to fortify myself before I danced in public. More on that to come.

That wouldn't have been a long day had I now also had a 12 hour doosy on that Tuesday. Or the 10 hour the day before. Which also wouldn't suck today except I went in yesterday for 5 hours. And on Saturday I worked too. WTF? Why can I not get ahead?!

But back to the Sock Hop. Believe it or not, I got up in front of the whole school and parents and faculty (or the ones who were there anyway) and I danced to disco inferno. Thank God there were more than just me. But it was humiliating in the extreme. Weirdly it wasn't so bad considering it was for little kids.

At any rate, Friday made me realize I really, really , really have to quit the PTO. I am working too many hours and too hard to hold myself together and to figure out what the hell I'm doing to devote time to Sock Hops and Spring Flings and movie nights and the like. But the thing is every time I try to quit, I find the co-president sort of shakes it off. Like she won't accept my resignation. And I feel like I need to start getting pushy about it all. Even the Kid has said they did it for years without me they can do it again. And he's right, too.

So please provide any advice you can on how to quit. Right now it's my own demonic tar baby.


Mother Madrigal said...

The only remedy for tar babies is Pinesol and a very loud voice saying I quit

Elena said...

Agree with Mother Madrigal's comment: Loud voice saying I quit and walk out.....