Friday, November 9, 2007

Drop dead tired

It's finally caught up with me. I am about to drop from exhaustion. The 70+ hour weeks are now taking their toll and along with other job stressers which shall remain nameless lest my school division have a cow and persecute me endlessly. I've reached the point where I feel sick even though I think I'm probably not.

However, I have reason to be hopeful. My kids seem to be getting the rather abstract concept of human adaptation to environment (yeah 'cause that's an appropriate concept for 8 year olds) as well as the idea that Greece left lasting contributions to Western society (ditto appropriateness). Of course, it could all be shot to shit when I given them their quiz tomorrow and I find that they think the Ancient Greeks had Nintendo Wiis and airplanes. But I feel confident. Now if only I can get them to understand specialization and interdependence...

1 comment:

Ricardo said...

Specialization is the process whereby restaurants come up with daily specials. Interdependence is what we celebrate on July 4th. Easy, isn't it?