Sunday, November 30, 2008

A couple lost sayings that should have been included

The first one is courtesy of his reading class. While working with another student in his reading group, Dwayne wanted to get her attention. (Same girl as momma's boyfriend girl). So out of nowhere is heard "Gahther rownduh leetle cheeldrin, it's stooory tahm."

The other excellent line was from a discussion we had about geothermal energy. I had told the kids that we'd been to some geysers in Chile that had been used to create geothermal energy. Then I showed them pictures of it and explained that geysers were boiling hot streams of water heated by underground volcanoes. I also mentioned that someone who had been there didn't listen to the guides and burned himself badly.

"He put his hand right in to it," I explained.
"Way-ul, may be he was doin' thuh Ho-key Po-key."

Maybe he was.