Wednesday, September 22, 2010

clean as a whistle

I've always sort of pooh-poohed the European need for a bidet. They always seem to crowd the bathrooms of hotels when you stay in the great capitals of Europe and you never use them as an American. We look down on them. We assume Europeans use them instead of bathing and that that makes them a little gross.

But I am here to tell you that I am a convert to the bidet. I love it. I want one at home. I don't know how I ever lived without one before. These are the greatest inventions known to man!!

I first discovered my deep and abiding love of the undercarriage bath in Granada where we'd walked and walked for hours and hours. Of course I needed a shower after that. So I took one and felt immensely refreshed. But when we came back to the hotel after dinner, I was a little shvitzy. I had only one pair of pants left and I'd had to wear them even though I had just taken my shower and I now felt kind of grimy. The bed was luscious. Was I really going to put myself into that rich, soft cotton bed with my manky ass?

Maybe, I'd try the bidet. And so I did. And it was good.

The next morning, I used it again because I had showered not 12 hours before. Again, it didn't replace a shower, but it obviated the need for two showers (since summer in Andalusia is not to be trifled with).

Since then, I have found that I like a little mini-bath as it were. And I think others would too, if we could get over our snootiness about the whole thing. Personally, while I can't get behind the tuna fixation here, the bidet thing is A-OK by me.

1 comment:

Elena said...

I agree with you. It is very convenient. When I came to the U.S. it took me a bit to get use not to have one. Now in Ecuador the bidet is gone also.