Monday, June 14, 2010

I am thoroughly obsessed with Torchwood

And it's pitiful. So this is a BBC show which is a spinoff of Doctor Who of all things. And yet I have watched two seasons in a week (actually I watched season 2 this weekend) and the mini-series which was season 3 in 24 hours. And now I am not sure what to do with myself. Because I miss the characters. Especially Owen and Ianto. But mostly Owen (and it's only partly because the actor is incredibly attractive and Ricardo has been out of town for nearly 3 weeks). Why can't shows in the US develop such good characters? Grand total the show was only 31 episodes long and I feel like I've lost actual friends (I am well aware that I need to be placed in a padded cell so I certainly don't need any of you to tell me that.) I feel like BBC shows are much more like watching movies than they are like watching TV. But I can't put my finger on why.

Either this is true, or I need to stop eating nothing but cereal and popcorn and get a fucking life.

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