Friday, April 4, 2008


Blah!  I am beyond tired right now.  And it's probably because I stayed up way late blogging last night and then couldn't fall asleep until way later and then didn't have coffee, because fucking Krups has not replaced my espresso maker, and not even I can face getting up earlier to make it to fucking Starbucks before 7 am.

Oh and we did a massive assed test simulation (which one of my kids referred to as our "stimulation" and which I completely cracked up over) and I had no chance to buy the kids treats last night so I went to CVS this morning and bought all the on sale chocolate bunnies they had and gave them out after the 2 1/2 hour test (who does this to 8 and 9 year olds? Oh that's right, George Fucking Bush).

Oh and Ricardo is out of town and I had to take the Kid to breakfast because I sure as hell wasn't going to scramble eggs this morning, goddamnit!

And also probably because I got to work at 7:15 this morning and then had parent teacher conferences this afternoon and didn't leave until 6:50pm and then had to come home and make dinner and couldn't even find food so settled for hot dogs and french fries which, I am fairly sure is not actually food and still served it to my only child.

And it's raining.

So my solution is to write standing up in the kitchen.  It's painful after standing all day except during conferences where I sat on the little mini fucking third grade chairs so it's keeping me from writing too long.

See?  Problem solved.


Kassia said...

No coffee? That's just wrong.

No coffee + dealing with small children at obscenely early hours of the morning = a homicidal rage ending in some small child losing an eye

Zoë said...

actually it ended in a migraine and narcotic treatment thereof. problem really solved!