Monday, March 2, 2009

What a long strange trip it's been

So I haven't been blogging, clearly. And here's why.

After the delightful pneumonia, the c-diff colitis and then the jammed finger (which, still in physical therapy for, oh and maybe will never be the same again), I just couldn't get any energy for anything. I mean it was like 7 o'clock every night and I could have gone straight to sleep and slept until the morning. And that's WITHOUT the medication I take every night to sleep. I mean I was TIRED.

Come to find out, that my high white blood count (still not normal, but since it's me does anyone expect normalcy and if you do, for shame!) is the result of my body slowly attacking and destroying my thyroid. For a while we had no idea what was going on. Finally I had a bunch of blood tests done to check for leukemia, auto immune disorders and thyroid condition. Well it turns out, the exhaustion, incredibly dry skin and hair, night sweats, loss of track of thought and temperature problems? Not female problems but thyroid problems! (and thankfully not cancer because that would have been a major bummer.)

So now I am on meds (for the rest of my life, lucky me!) and am somewhat back in action.

Inspired by the real, honest to God snow day we have today (actually we have like 7 inches. And it really is, not like a man's 7 which is only 4), I am returning to the screen to share some random things that have been in my mind occasionally when I wasn't sleeping over the last couple months.

Why do people call in sick all the time and claim it's a stomach flu? Just how much stomach flu can one person have. Why do you think it's believable to have stomach flu numerous times in a year. And if you do, then there is something wrong with your pipes. I've had c-diff colitis, cholera and norovirus. You don't get these things over and over all year round. You're a liar and you must think I'm stupid to believe you. Or you're a liar and *you're* stupid. Either way, there is stupidity.

Why is it when you order a winter coat at the end of the season, the season comes back so that you have snow but no winter coat. Is that irony? or is it just Fate fucking with you. Wait. That is irony.

Why do children misspell words and by accident have them full of things that as an adult makes you want to roll over laughing but you can't because who wants to explain that to a 9 year old? For example, we played a review game on Thursday and the kids had to write their answers on white boards and hold them up. I'd never seen so many misspellings including the word "cock." Cucumber was cockumer, cactus, cocktus, bedrock, bedcock. And not just those, a chart question yielded Norfuck instead of Norfolk, Vagina for Virginia. And this is not all! The first graders were collecting Pennies for Peace. And what did one sign say? Penis for Peace. Now everyone knows a penis never brought any peace unless it worked with batteries.

1 comment:

Elena said...

So glad to see you back writting your blog.....