Saturday, January 3, 2009

how do right handed people make cakes left handed?

and more importantly, why would they? and why is this all lower case? well let me tell you.

after a solid month of illness, december was not finished with me yet. ricardo had gone to the mla in san francisco and the kid had gone to the north eastern city my mom lives in to spend some time with her. i drove to our nation's capital to retrieve my husband from the airport and spend some time with him child free in the land of free museums.

we had a lovely time. we saw an exhibit on pompeii which got me all excited to teach rome soon. we went to see valkyrie and once again were impressed by what real movie theaters are like. we tried to go to this chocolate themed restaurant called Co Co. it was too hip for us. i feel like these kinds of places thrive on being overwhelming to novices and hence gain the reputation for being chic when in fact it's just a way to justify charging $6 for a hot chocolate and $2.50 for a square of chocolate the size of your thumb nail.

which brings me back to hands.

after we got some b grade tapas, we headed to see some friends for new years. we had dinner with them, were dazzled by their to die for daughter who has the best chubby baby thighs ever, and enjoyed their company. we called it quits on the erly side and ricardo and i headed to our car.

i was wearing danskos. do you know these shoes? they are awesome for museuming because you can stand in them for hours and your feet never hurt and your back feels great. know what they suck for? anything but standing and especially stairs.

as i was heading down the concrete stairs, my ankle turned. i lost my footing and fell down four stairs crushing my pinky and smashing my back. i tested the finger to see if it bent and it did. so i focused on the ankle. foolish me. by the time we got to the hotel the pink was the size of my thumb. still thinking it was no biggie, i iced the ankle and the finger and went to bed. but boy did it ever hurt!!!

and here's why. the next morning it was a lumpy purple sausage of a thing and not only could i not bend it but even air hurt it. i made it to the doctor yesterday. it's badly broken at the knuckle. there is also a gap in the break probably from... you guessed it! the bending! i may need to go to the orthopedist because it may need to be reset.

oh and i was totally sober.

and it continues to feel like someone smashing it with a hammer over and over and over again until the vicadin kicks in and it just feels like stubbing your toe over and over.

and thus finished the heinous 2008. you know the phrase don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out? yeah, 2008 hit me but good!


Kassia said...

You have had bad health luck lately! Here's hoping for a happy, healthy 2009.

Where is the Pompeii exhibit? Is it worth taking my kids there on a field trip?

Zoë said...

Totally! it's at the east gallery of the national gallery and it's a two for since a major focus is on the influence of greece as well. it's an sol heaven!

Ricardo said...

And who wouldn't want to go to SOL heaven?

Mother Madrigal said...

The same way Left Handed people do Right handed mild containers.